Heath Development Company, in a joint venture with the Department of Housing, are developing a significant (11,000 person) residential development in the Bayonet Head Outline Development Plan area in the City of Albany. Environmental issues in relation to the site include management of conservation wetlands, groundwater, Threatened and Priority flora, fauna and ecological communities, drainage and Acid Sulphate Soils (ASS).
The Bayonet Head Outline Development area is subject to a number of environmental constraints and required rigorous assessment and liaison with the project team to develop tenable management strategies and achieve a workable structure plan framework.
Previously, smaller parcels of land under multiple ownership, hindered the progress of the environmental approval process. This site has been the subject of planning for over 20 years, with the least constrained sites developed independently of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Area (SEA) area. Aurora was able to negotiate the assessment as an SEA, where the entire area was considered as a single parcel. This significantly reduced the time and resources required to complete the assessment.
The outcome provided a viable development area, and retained key features which could be managed as part of the future urban fabric.
Key services provided:
- Environmental assessment (SEA) and environmental approvals under Section 38 of the Environment Protection Act 1986
- Stakeholder consultation/engagement
- Regulator liaison and negotiations
- Strategic advice, including advice relating to EPBC matters
- EPBC referral and assessment
- Local water management strategy
- ASS Management Plan
- Wetland Management Plan